
Shipping goods can appear to be an easy process but it requires a complex and widespread organization.
Fast and secure shipment comes from thorough knowledge of the shipping process and of all the steps and professionals involved.
Our shipping process step by step:

  • Pick up from yr door \ firm \ office;
  • Delivery to our warehouse for repacking, stow and stock if necessary;
  • Customs procedures, sanitary procedures, all certificates;
  • Delivery to airport and to airlines;
  • Upon arrival to overseas destination, we take care of required documents and customs procedures to import the goods;
  • Payment of duties and import value on your behalf if necessary;
  • Delivery to our warehouses to stock if necessary before final delivery or direct delivery to final destination.

Not all freight forwarders manage and organize all these steps with their own assets and staff.
Freightlog does.
Though our Italian branches and exclusive partnerships with the major international networks, we have a widespread presence both in Italy and globally, to take care of your goods and shipments in the best of ways.